The “Philological Turn” in the Chinese Academy of Qing Dynasty and World Philosophy
The Modern Era of Laozi Interpretation: The Intersection Between Japanese and European Sinology
Criticisms of Neo-Confucianism in the Philosophy of Kang Youwei 康有為 (1858–1927)
Unfreezing and Untangling the Modern Notion of Zhengming: From Kang Youwei to Hu Shi
The Profitable Side of Things: Kang Youwei’s On How Matter Can Save The Nation
“Power Creates Principles and Principles Create the Dao”: The Esoteric and Exoteric Essays of Master Kang
Der Pagodenpark von Shantou: Von der Verhüllung und Umwidmung eines Gedenkorts für die Kulturrevolution
A Harmonious Dialectic: Tang Yijie 汤一介 (1927–2014) and the “Confucianization” of Marxism
Writing Workers in Post-socialist China: Migrant Worker Poetry and Its New Left Reception
New Dramaturgies about China’s First Marxist: A Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Biographical Plays on Li Dazhao
Celebrating the Bicentenary of Marx’s Birth in China: An Analysis of Xi Jinping‘s Speech and Official Media Coverage
The Birth of Korean Academic Marxism: Pak Ch’iu (1909–1949) and his Philosophical Critique of Right-Wing Totalitarianism
Das einsame Einzelne und das Erinnern der Gemeinschaft: Mou Zongsans Rhetorik des Lebens in der Selbsterzählung mit Fünfzig
Einige Ergänzungen zur Geschichte des buddhistischen Kanons in manjurischer Übersetzung
A Government in Verse: Bureaucratic Aesthetics and Voice in Han and post-Han Admonitions (zhen 箴)
Eine Promenade in Shanghai – Die illustrierte Zeitschrift Liangyou huabao ("The Young Companion") im Frühjahr 1927
Particularly Unusual, Definitely True: Anecdotes as Political Criticism in the Late Tang Miscellany Songchuang zalu
Chinese Responses to Max Weber's Study of Confucianism and Daoism: Yü Ying-shih as a Significant Example
The Weber Paradox – or: What Max Weber Actually Said About Confucianism and Capitalism
Vorbemerkung zu Liu Xiaobos Vortrag vor Studierenden der Universität Peking, Dezember 1986
Postmetaphysical Thinking and Subjectivity: On Lao Sze-kwang's History of Chinese Philosophy
"Between Appropriation and Refutation – On the Significance and Reception of Max Weber in China" – Introduction
A New China in Mexico: Kang Youwei and his Languages of Cohesion-Making on the Two Sides of the Pacific (1895–1911)
A Tricky Game: A Re-evaluation of Liubo 六博 Based on Archaeological and Textual Evidence
Getting the Terms Right: Political Realism, Politics, and the State in Ancient China